2901 Moorpark Ave #110
San Jose, CA 95128

Dean Democratic Club Link Meeting for January will be on Sunday the 17th at Democratic HQ on 2901 Moorpark, #110, in San Jose off Winchester and 280. We will join the HQ Debate Watch party. We will NOT meet on the second Monday in January. Doors open at 5:30 with the debate starting at 6:00. HQ will have pizza but they would welcome other snacks as well. RSVP to Marcene if you can at mvd1131@aol.com and she will give Judy an idea of how many of us are coming and what we can bring. If you need a ride contact Marcene.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
NBC News Democratic Primary Debate
9pm ET (8pm CT, 6pm PT)
Aired On: NBC
Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Sponsors: NBC, Congressional Black Caucus Institute
Moderator: Lester Holt
Candidates: TBD