Category: News

San Jose City Council District 4 endorsement

At our business meeting of 2/23/15, the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley voted to give a sole endorsement to Tim Orozco for San Jose City Council District 4. Thank you to all the candidates who participated in our endorsement process. We appreciate the time and effort you have expended. Visit Tim’s Facebook page.

Dean Club Goals and Task Forces for 2015

In January, members voted to set our goals and form task forces for the year. Task forces will further prioritize what they’ll work on. Sign up for a task force at any of our meetings! Good government (41 votes) pass DISCLOSE Act, anti-corruption act; remove safe harbor, overturn top-two primary, more Economic justice (35 votes) reduce …

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Dean Club Members in the CDP

CONGRATULATIONS to our members who won seats on the California Democratic Party Central Committee! AD24 Winners: Elspeth Farmer (top female vote-getter), Margaret Okuzumi, *Lorri Holtzberg, Jackie Wheeler; Jim Griffith (top vote-getter), *Lucas Ramirez, *Andrew Heaton, Otto Lee AD24 executive board rep: *Steve Chessin AD28 Winner: John Comiskey (* non-primary Dean Club members) Note that at least …

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DFA summit Saturday, April 11, 2015

The turnout was tremendous, and the discussion lively and informative, at the DFA Summit in Redwood City.  More than 100 DFA followers gathered from all over Northern California to discuss priorities and propose actions for 2015 and 2016.  Many thanks to the organizers and volunteers who made this DFA Summit work! ========== Please, join: Latinos …

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Prop 13 reform, with Courtney McDonald of Evolve

DFALink meeting Monday, March 2, 2015 Arrive for Potluck at 6:30 PM.  The program begins at 7:00 PM. Program: Prop 13 reform, with Courtney McDonald of Evolve Location: 4284 Los Palos Circle, Palo Alto CA 94306-4310