Congressman Mike Honda’s 75th Birthday Bash

062616MikeHondaBdayYou are invited to Mike’s Birthday Party!

Dean Club has added their name to sponsors!

Sunday, June 26th 2016 4:00 PM

Address Provided upon RSVP San Jose, CA.

Suggested Contribution $100 Seniors & Young Professionals $25 Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds

To HOST or RSVP, please contact: James Chang | (415) 527-7765

Please make checks payable to ‘Mike Honda for Congress’ and send to: Mike Honda for Congress, 2050 Gateway Place, Suite 100, PMB 218, San Jose, CA 95110 FEC ID #C00351379

If you prefer you can bring the check to the event
Or contribute securely online at:

Congressman Jerry McNerney Fundraiser

McNerney Reception
We cordially invite you to an afternoon reception June 12 honoring
Congressman Jerry McNerney
Prior To His Election To Congress, McNerney – Who Has His Phd In Mathematics – Served Several Years Working On National Security Program Before Accepting A Senior Engineering Position With US Windpower, Kenetech.

In 1994 Jerry Began Working As An Energy Consultant For Pg&E, Flowind, The Electric Power Research Institute And Other Utility Companies. During His Career, In Wind Energy, McNerney’s Work Contributed To Saving The Equivalent Of Approximately 30 Million Barrels Of Oil Or 8.3 Million Tons Of Carbon Dioxide.

He’s Currently a Member of The Energy & Commerce Committee, And Is Part Of The Subcommittees On Energy & Power, Commerce, Manufacturing, And Trade; And Environment & Economy.

DFA Link meeting w/ Terry Christensen

TC.Smiles2An absolute don’t miss program.  

Our guest on June 13, 2016 will be San Jose State political science professor Terry Christensen, who will speak about the November general election.

Local and national media regularly call on Christensen for analysis of politics in California and Silicon Valley. He has served on numerous civic committees and commissions, often with his former students, and as an advisor to many candidates and elected officials.

Professor, Emeritus San Jose State University

Members and guests gather for potluck at 6:30 PM, and the program begins at 7:00 PM.

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

Monning nuclear powerLetter to Senator Monning 

stating the Dean Club’s position against SB 968 which calls for an assessment of possible adverse economic impact of shutting down the Diablo Canyon power plant



Anna Eshoo presents “American Foreign Policy: What’s at Stake in November?”


Please join Anna and her special guests for an afternoon of conversation on May 22 concerning what is at stake for American foreign policy in November’s election.

Be sure to RSVP as space is limited.

2016 Democratic Dinner

2016 JJ Dinner EMAIL INVITATIONJoin the Santa Clara County Democratic Party for its

25th Annual Democratic Party Dinner

Friday, May 6, 2016

Keynote Speaker:
The Honorable Kamala Harris,
California Attorney General

San Jose Fairmont Hotel – Imperial Ballroom


70 South Market Street, San Jose

General No-Host Reception – 5:30-7:00 pm
Dinner and Program – 7:00-9:00 pm

$150 per person/$1,500 per table of 10/$2,000 VIP table

Buy your tickets HERE.

(After you pay, you will be asked to provide specific instructions, including your table preference.)

Can’t come? Please donate to the Go 2016! fund

  • For questions on the dinner, call Hope Cahan at 650-270-9596.
  • All funds will go to the Silicon Valley Leadership Fund, Go 2016!. Go 2016 provides support for Santa Clara County Democratic candidates and activities.