We Endorse YES on Measure AA for a Clean & Healthy Bay


We endorse Measure AA, Bay wetlands: People for a Clean and Healthy Bay are fighting to protect the San Francisco Bay from sea-level rise, severe storms, and pollution. Jeff Cardenas outlined Measure AA, which would restore 30,000 acres of Bay Area wetlands and wildlife habitat, reduce trash and toxins, and increase shoreline and public access. The measure will be on the June 7 ballot; it would affect all 9 counties around the bay. BayontheBrink

DFA Link Meeting

 Derecka Mehrens
Our April 11 LINK MEETING  will feature as speaker Derecka Mehrens, Executive Director of Working Partnerships (www.wpusa.org).  Meeting is at Alice’s home at 4284 Los Palos Circle, Palo Alto.  Come at 6:30 for refreshments (bring something to share if you can) and conversation, program starts at 7:00.
Working Partnerships USA is a community organization that drives the movement for a just economy by bringing together public policy innovation and the power of grassroots organizing. We build the capacity of workers, low-income neighborhoods and communities of color to lead and govern. Based in Silicon Valley, we tackle the root causes of inequality and poverty by leading collaborative campaigns for quality jobs, healthy communities, equitable growth and vibrant democracy.  See more at Working Partnerships.

California DISCLOSE Act Booth at Garden Show

2015-03-09-summitsHello Clean Money Supporters,

Now that we’ve had a stunning victory in the Assembly, we’re busy gathering as many signatures as possible for the California DISCLOSE Act, AB 700, before it comes up for its first hearing in the Senate.

We have a great opportunity to do that at the upcoming Garden Show by sharing a booth with the Democratic Party:

Santa Clara Fairgrounds on Tully Rd
April 8,9,10

Please sign up for the time slots that work best for you at:

Doodle sign ups

Craig​ Dunkerley
California Clean Money Campaign
South Bay Coordinator​

Check out the Home and Garden Show at Home & Garden Show

Wildflower Walk



Delight in and learn a bit about our beautiful native spring wildflowers (and more!) at a local wildflower preserve on a walk led by experienced docents 11:00 am sharp, sign up below for address.  We’ll leave for the preserve promptly at 11:15 am

Easy walking; duration about an hour and a half. Wear walking/hiking shoes, sunscreen, sun hat; binoculars if you like; bring water.

BENEFIT for the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley

$20 Dean Club members, $25 nonmembers

Make your reservation at: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/wfw

Heavy rain cancels. We will reschedule, if necessary..

March 8 Gross Receipts Tax San Jose City Council Meeting

Dean Club Logo brightWe endorsed this effort, now they need our help.

Can the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley folks be at City Council on March 8th to support this campaign? On March 8th, probably at 2:30 pm or 3 pm (it starts at 1:30 pm and there are many items before ours), the City Council will discuss the following:

3.4 Preliminary Analysis and Discussion of Citizen-Initiated and Update Options for the Current Business Tax.

Also, see the SJ Mercury News article on the City’s study of the gross receipts tax, that shows that the GRT will generate $52 million, with 88% of SJ businesses paying the same or less, with only 12% paying more, and these are the businesses with 501 or more employees. http://www.mercurynews.com/…/new-study-voter-poll…

Recommendation: Consider the preliminary analysis of the citizen-initiated Gross Receipts Tax Ballot Measure and preliminary review and discussion of the City options for updating the current Business Tax. http://sanjose.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php…

Our campaign needs as many allies as possible to come to this discussion and speak in favor of the gross receipts tax in light of the recent independent study, which showed that the GRT would generate $52 million, not effect 88% of SJ businesses, but with a focus on businesses over 501 employees.

February 22, 2016 Endorsement Meeting

EveryVoteCountsThe February 22, 2016 Dean Club working meeting will be an endorsement meeting. The Endorsement Committee will make recommendations regarding US President and US Senate races in CA, IL, NV, NH, and WI.  Everyone is invited to attend.  Members in good standing for not less than three months are eligible to vote.  A two thirds majority of members present and voting is required for endorsement.

Any candidate for these offices, or their representative, who attends will be given an opportunity to address the membership.  Other offices will be considered at subsequent meetings.

The meeting is at Marie Callender’s, 751 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.  Arrive at 6:30 PM to place your dinner order and be ready for the meeting at 7:00 PM.