Activist Summit hosted by Anna Eshoo

On Sunday, March 5, 2017, at 2:00 PM, the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley will be participating in an Activist Summit hosted by Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo.

“In response to the overwhelming desire of many people in her district to oppose the president’s policies and to reverse course in the 2018 elections, Congresswoman Eshoo is inviting advocacy and electoral organizations to share their strategies.”

Come out and meet with other Activists, local Clubs, and representatives of national organizations, to find out what you can do, now, to protect and promote Democratic Values.

Crown Plaza Cabana
4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306

RSVP to:

2017 Annual Goals

At our working meeting on January 23, 2017, the Dean Club set our Annual Goals for the coming year.  Members discussed the results of the December brainstorming session, categorized the goals, and prioritized the categories and their top goals.

Detailed goals available at:

2017 Goals prioritized

DFA Link meeting – Kimberly Ellis, candidate for CDP Chair

On February 13, 2017, our guest speaker will be Executive Director of Emerge California and candidate for California Democratic Party Chair Kimberly Ellis.

Alice Smith has kindly offered to host us at her home, 4284 Los Palos Circle, Palo Alto 94306.

Please bring a dish to share! Dinner at 6:30pm. Program begins at 7pm.

2017 Annual Goal Setting

At our working meeting on January 23, 2017, the Dean Club will be setting our Annual Goals for the coming year, and establishing a two year budget.  Members will discuss the results of the December brainstorming session, categorizing the goals, and prioritizing the categories and their top three goals.

The meeting will at the usual location and time:

Marie Callender’s
751 E El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Members and guests may arrive at 6:30 PM to place a food or beverage order before the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.

The line items from the brainstorm are as follows:

2016 Brainstorm

Michael Eggman at DVC

MEggman alonePlease join the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley, Democratic Volunteer Center, Peninsula Young Democrats, Santa Clara County Democratic Club, and Sunnyvale Democratic Club for an Event in Support of Michael Eggman, Candidate for California’s 10th Congressional District.

Sunday, September 25th 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Democratic Volunteer Center
1970 West El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040


(Please note that there is no parking in front of the DVC, but parking is available along El Camino Real and Clark Avenue)

Host – $1000 Co-Host – $500 Friend – $250 Guest – $100 Student/Senior – $50

To contribute via credit card visit: 

Please Make Checks Payable to “Eggman for Congress” and mail to 3220 W. Monte Vista Ave, #169 Turlock, CA 95380 or bring to event.


Please RSVP to Robert Phillips by September 23rd at (209) 353-3023 or email 

Contributions or gifts to Eggman for Congress are not tax deductible. 

Ballot Measure straw poll results

my voice my choice

The Dean Democratic Club voted August 22, 2016 to make ballot measure endorsements in the June 7, 2016 California Primary in accordance with the results of the August 8, 2016 straw poll.

It’s that time, again! Statewide ballot measures have qualified for the November ballot, and the Dean Club is here to help you sort them all out. We met at the Democratic Headquarters on August 8, 2016, to hear presentations on each of the measures and hold a straw poll. We also had some special guests speak about local ballot measures. The results of the poll will serve as an endorsement recommendation to the Dean Club at our business meeting on August 22, 2016.

The results of the straw poll are here: Ballot Measures straw poll results