DFA Link Meeting – Book Club

DFA logoJuly’s meeting was very stimulating with discussion of an important book on saving the middle class and at the same time curbing environmental exploitation, With Liberty and Dividends for All by Peter Barnes. If you want to read it you might be able to borrow it from one of us. We found it to be provocative and original and hopeful.

The subject is very much at the nexus of environment, economics and social justice.  We used a book charting process which facilitated participation, whether you read the book or not.

Thanks to all that participated.


Annual Club Potluck Picnic and Steering Committee Election



Thanks to all those attending for helping us celebrate ELEVEN years of stellar activism!

Congratulations to the following officers elected at the picnic

Co-Chairs: John Comiskey and Lucas Ramirez;

Treasurer: Karen Porter;

Recording Secretary: Mary Gill;

Corresponding Secretary: Joel Masser;

At Large: Ben Stetson and Emilie Gatfield


The Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley thanks the following out-going officers for their years of service in making this the premier Democratic club in Santa Clara County:  Alice Smith, Don Mayall and Swanee Edwards


We were honored to have the following elected officials and honored guests speaking

Jim Beall, State Senator, District 15; Rich Gordon, Assembly Member, District 24; Sally Lieber, Former State Assembly Member and Former Speaker pro Tempore of the CA State Assembly; Dave Cortese, Santa Clara County District 3 Supervisor and President of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors; Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County District 2 Supervisor; Jim Griffith, Mayor of Sunnyvale; Ash Kalra, San Jose City Council, District 2 and Candidate for Assembly District 27; Marc Berman, Palo Alto City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 24; Mike Kasperzak, Mountain View City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 24; Peter Leroe-Munoz, Gilroy City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 30; Rishi Kumar, Saratoga City Council; Susan Ellenberg. San Jose Unified School District; Thida Cornes, Mountain View Parks and Recreation Commission and Candidate for Mountain View City Council; Barbara Keegan, Santa Clara County Water District and Candidate for reelection; Pat Showalter, Vice Mayor of Mountain View; Omar Torres, Franklin McKinley School District and CDP Region 7 Director; Tim Orozco, Candidate for San Jose City Council, District 4; Patrick Ahrens appearing for Assembly Member Evan Low; and Andre Macapinlac appearing for State Senator Bob Wieckowski


The food was great as usual and the weather was just what we ordered (fantastic!)

Honoring Jerry McNerney’s contributions to Congress


The fundraiser for Jerry McNerney was a rousing success, garnering more than $12,000 for his campaign.  More than 60 supporters were in attendance to hear Anna Eshoo and Jerry speak about the important challenges facing our Congress.  Thank you to all who attended, and all who made contributions.


Join us and our special guest, Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, for an afternoon reception honoring Congressman Jerry McNerney,

Saturday, June 6, 2015 from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the home of Stephanie Grossman, 1121 Harriet Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301.

The Dean Club has supported Congressman McNerney for twelve years.

To RSVP or if you would like to be a part of the host committee, please e-mail Francois Genard or call (209) 956-2872.

Pre-pay at: https://jerrymcnerney.org/events/60615-reception/


Dean Club on Social Media

Visit the Dean Club’s Facebook and Instagram pages.  If you like what you see there, follow the pages.  They’re a great way to stay connected with Dean Club activities.

Tom Orozco advances to runoff in San Jose District 4

OrozcoIn a Special Election held 4/7/15, the Dean Club’s endorsed candidate, Tim Orozco, has placed first among nine candidates, advancing to the runoff on 6/23/15.  The race for second place, between Manh Nguyen and Lan Diep, remains too close to call.

Tim has expressed his thanks to the Dean Club for our support of his candidacy.  Now that he has advanced to the runoff, he will be needing even more activists to support his effort.

Help bring one more Progressive voice San Jose’s City Council.

Visit Tim’s Facebook page.

May 11 DFA Link Meeting Movie


Twelve people enjoyed the movie CITIZENFOUR,  Edward Snowdon’s journey as a whistle blower. The highly rated CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving unprecedented access to Edward Snowden as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the NSA.  It was free and informative!