Thanks to all those attending for helping us celebrate ELEVEN years of stellar activism!
Congratulations to the following officers elected at the picnic
Co-Chairs: John Comiskey and Lucas Ramirez;
Treasurer: Karen Porter;
Recording Secretary: Mary Gill;
Corresponding Secretary: Joel Masser;
At Large: Ben Stetson and Emilie Gatfield
The Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley thanks the following out-going officers for their years of service in making this the premier Democratic club in Santa Clara County: Alice Smith, Don Mayall and Swanee Edwards
We were honored to have the following elected officials and honored guests speaking
Jim Beall, State Senator, District 15; Rich Gordon, Assembly Member, District 24; Sally Lieber, Former State Assembly Member and Former Speaker pro Tempore of the CA State Assembly; Dave Cortese, Santa Clara County District 3 Supervisor and President of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors; Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County District 2 Supervisor; Jim Griffith, Mayor of Sunnyvale; Ash Kalra, San Jose City Council, District 2 and Candidate for Assembly District 27; Marc Berman, Palo Alto City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 24; Mike Kasperzak, Mountain View City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 24; Peter Leroe-Munoz, Gilroy City Council and Candidate for Assembly District 30; Rishi Kumar, Saratoga City Council; Susan Ellenberg. San Jose Unified School District; Thida Cornes, Mountain View Parks and Recreation Commission and Candidate for Mountain View City Council; Barbara Keegan, Santa Clara County Water District and Candidate for reelection; Pat Showalter, Vice Mayor of Mountain View; Omar Torres, Franklin McKinley School District and CDP Region 7 Director; Tim Orozco, Candidate for San Jose City Council, District 4; Patrick Ahrens appearing for Assembly Member Evan Low; and Andre Macapinlac appearing for State Senator Bob Wieckowski
The food was great as usual and the weather was just what we ordered (fantastic!)